With MyBooksQuotes you can add all the quotes that strikes you when reading books.
Add books to hold your quotes with their title and author, then add each quote that you have estimated to be a memorable one.
Organise books by categories and give each category a specific colour.
MyBooksQuotes is available across all major Apple platforms via a single purchase, and syncs across all your devices with iCloud!
MyLearningNotes is a free macOS only app that lets you take, store and organise all your learning /education notes.
• Organise your notes by field / course / unit.
• Notes support text formatting, photos or videos insertion, in line annotation of images, etc.
• Doodle / scribble right from your Mac!
• Powerfull search across all your notes!
MyLearningNotes is truly free (of charge, in app purchases, subscriptions, data collection or ads).
Your Art, your story!
Build your own art library with photos you personally took when experiencing art, whatever it’s form!Add photos and signpost of the art, the app will automagically detect the text in the signpost and add it to the art description.Organise using collections (including built-in “Art History” collections).Start your art journey now!MyArtStory syncs data using your iCloud account across iPhone, iPad and the Mac.MyArtStory doesn’t require account creation, does not collect any data and is ads/ subscription free.